Why Stretching Won’t Make You Flexible

Why Stretching Won’t Make You Flexible

About a month ago I had the pleasure of sitting down with my colleague Coach Brian Klepacki, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Functional Movement Specialist with Critical Bench to ask discuss why stretching will not make us flexible.  To be honest, I grew up in a time where whether it was school sports, dance class, organized sports teams, I was encouraged to stretch, not only to warm up my muscles for a better...

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The Many Wonders Of Wheatgrass

The Many Wonders Of Wheatgrass

It seems much too simple to be of any tremendous value.  I mean really, it is just GRASS!  Sure a thick, luxurious mat of it feels incredible under bare feet on a cool summer evening and most folks would love for their lawn to rival the golf course green.  But grass as a SUPERFOOD . . . come on! Well, many folks have weighed in on this topic so if you haven’t heard about wheatgrass until now and the many reasons why so many people...

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