The Curse of Isle 7

The Curse of Isle 7

Unfortunately, years ago some misleading information was made quite popular. We were influenced to believe that FAT was the ultimate enemy in our diets, which paved the way for the sugar industry to get rich. REALLY rich! And of course, the diet and weight loss industry got rich too . . . but that is another conversation for another time! Ultimately what happened is that highly processed, low-calorie and nutritionally void sugary...

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Anti-Stress Green Soup

Anti-Stress Green Soup

Fight stress with food?  Why not . . . especially when it’s a comforting, soothing bowl of homemade should that is loaded with solid nutrition to feed your soul!Anti-Stress Green Soup1 container low sodium chicken broth2 onions, diced1 cabbage, shredded2 leeks, chopped1 cauliflower, chopped2 handfuls spinach, chopped1 large head of broccoli, choppedsalt & pepper to tasteHeat chicken broth in a large pot.  Throw all your veggies...

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The Benefits of Coconut OIl

The Benefits of Coconut OIl

It’s said to help with weight loss, hair health, heart health and even brain health . . . could this possible be THE wonder food of our lifetime?!   Well, you know the saying that if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.  Well, let me clear up some things for you about the ever popular coconut oil. For starters, there are two main ways we use coconut oil, internally and externally. It can be consumed/eaten and it can be...

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My Top 10 Foods For Healthy Living

My Top 10 Foods For Healthy Living

As a Holistic Health Practitioner the questing I am asked the most is, “what are the top foods you recommend for weight loss and health living?”  Now while this is not really a tough question for me to answer, the reality is that I believe pretty much all the foods that you enjoy can be included into a healthy living eating plan that will not only help you to lose weight BUT . . . will also allow you to sustain that for your lifetime...

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Top 7 Foods to Promote Excellent Dental Health

Top 7 Foods to Promote Excellent Dental Health

We all know the importance of eating a balanced diet, getting enough exercise, and sleeping 8 hours a night – but what about taking dental health into account? Poor dental health has a far greater impact on your overall wellbeing than you might first realise. Early onset tooth loss can have measurable impact on your mental and emotional wellbeing, as well kick starting a predisposition for other dental diseases. Many common...

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The Ketogenic Diet For Beginners

The Ketogenic Diet For Beginners

Hey, everybody. Tonya here with Critical Bench.  I am a Holistic Health Practitioner and nutrition expert and today I want to talk share with you some information about the ketogenic diet and specifically ketogenic diet for beginners. So if you’ve given it some serious thought, you’ve done some research and you want to get started, I want to talk a little bit about some of the things you might want to think about, some more questions...

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