5 Day Keto Jumpstart

5 Day Keto Jumpstart

 The ketogenic diet has become much more than a buzz word.  This diet has become almost it’s own religion in the multi-billion dollar diet and weightless industry.  And with good reason!  There is an infinite amount of success stories as well as scientific research data to support most of the claims that this diet promotes.  And while this diet program can boast an impressive reputation, there are still many questions as to whether it...

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What Can Be Done to Maintain Lean Muscle Mass As You Age?

What Can Be Done to Maintain Lean Muscle Mass As You Age?

Muscle mass isn’t just for photoshoots and looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger.Muscle mass is important to maintain a body that has the resilience and longevity to keep you happy, healthy, and active for longer.However, as we age, muscle mass wastes away and slowly changes how your body works. This is a process called sarcopenia, or age-related muscle-loss. It’s a significant problem and today we’re going to talk about what you can do...

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What is Reverse Dieting and Are There Any Benefits To It?

What is Reverse Dieting and Are There Any Benefits To It?

Reverse dieting is an eating plan, largely made popular by professional bodybuilders and competitive athletes.  The principle of reverse dieting is to gradually, while closely tracking your macros, increase your caloric intake over a period of several weeks to even a couple months to boost your metabolism while still maintaining body composition.  What does this mean?   It means seeing how many calories, again while tracking macros,...

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Superfoods to Fight Inflammation & Heal Your Body

Superfoods to Fight Inflammation & Heal Your Body

Do you suffer from chronic joint pain?  Have you ever been told or heard that chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on your body and cause pain that you do NOT need to suffer with?I’m sure many of you reading this have heard even a little bit about inflammation just how much destruction it can cause.  And while many of us are aware of the inflammation that occurs as a result of injury from physical activity or accidents that cause harm...

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Love Fish . . . Not So Fond Of Mercury

Love Fish . . . Not So Fond Of Mercury

If you love your fish but are starting to wonder just how healthy it is with all the reports of mercury content in some seafoods, don’t despair.  While fish is one of the healthiest sources of lean protein there is growing concern that mercury levels in some seafoods is having a devastating impact on the health of many.  What is a person to do?  Avoid fish altogether?  Well, le’ts not get too extreme, and while I would say that...

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Holiday Detox Latte

Holiday Detox Latte

Green Tea will help you lose weight!  Red Tea will boost your immune system!  Herbal Tea will facilitate a detox!  What if you could have ALL 3 in one delicious drink  . . . while still enjoying holiday moments and not feeling DEPRIVED!I strongly believe that it is much more prudent to make realistic modifications than to look at everything as a “go cold turkey” decision.  Holidays are a part of life and if every time an...

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