How To Track Food for Success, NOT Punishment

How To Track Food for Success, NOT Punishment

When people bring up or mention food tracking, some start to roll their eyes and say it’s another job that will take time away from their already busy schedule. They think they’re good enough at tracking their food without any help– not exactly! You may be able to track your diet on a good day, but that doesn’t mean you are consistent in doing so every day, which is what matters most when trying to lose weight or...

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The Amazing Benefits of Oats

The Amazing Benefits of Oats

Oats are a nutritional powerhouse. They’re high in fiber and protein and low in fat. This means they’re great for your heart, weight, digestive health, and even skin. Oats also offer a host of other benefits including lowering cholesterol, fighting cancer and diabetes, reducing the risk of depression, and more! Read below to discover how oats can benefit you from the inside out. A Peek Into Oats Oats, formally known as...

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What Nutrition Labels REALLY Mean

What Nutrition Labels REALLY Mean

Feeling lost every time you look at a nutrition label?  Not sure which information is important to look out for?  Well, you’re not alone! Oftentimes, we are misguided by the food industry based on what they include on the nutrition label that you see on the packaging.  In this article, I am going to break down a couple of the important facts you should be aware of, to better understand nutrition labelling. The very first thing you...

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The 5 Healthiest Cooking Oils To Use

The 5 Healthiest Cooking Oils To Use

    Does it matter what type of cooking oil we use? Is there really that much difference among cooking oils other than where they are sourced?  Nowadays, we have several options when it comes to what type of oil we cook with however, it doesn’t mean that all of them are healthy or that we should even be using them.  When considering health benefits, there are certainly differences among cooking oils and I believe that more...

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The Benefits of Red Reishi … Maybe

The Benefits of Red Reishi … Maybe

  If you are not very familiar with Eastern medicine, its history and its practices, you may not know that they tend to and have made very popular the use of some well, odd, or seemingly odd things. For example fungi … or mushrooms. In particular the reishi mushroom. The reishi mushroom is fungus that grows naturally in hot, humid Asian countries and for nearly 2000 years has been a staple in Eastern culture for medicinal...

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Fat Burners … Help or Hype?

Fat Burners … Help or Hype?

  There certainly are no shortage of supplements and “magical quick fixes,” all touting their benefits to make the job easier for you. However, the truth is that unless you are committed to being consistent with a proper, well-balanced eating plan as well as regular consistent exercise, you are not going to see or feel any resulting weight loss. Why? Well, because there are no shortcuts or “one pill wonders” that will make losing...

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