To Shoe or NOT to Shoe

To Shoe or NOT to Shoe

There are as many opinions regarding the use of shoes during exercise as there are brands of exercise shoes. Some trainers believe you must wear shoes to protect your feet, while others think it’s best to go barefoot for better balance and proprioception.  Which is correct?  The answer depends on what type of exercise you’re doing and your personal preferences. You’ll get a flood of answers if you Google, “Should I wear...

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Does Strength Training & Weight Lifting Make Women Too Muscular? Debunking the Fit-Shaming Mentality

Does Strength Training & Weight Lifting Make Women Too Muscular? Debunking the Fit-Shaming Mentality

Women who strength train and lift weights are often told to look too “manly” or appear big and bulky. The intention is to make women feel so self-conscious of their appearance that they opt for safer and more socially acceptable alternatives, such as cardio. This is commonly referred to as “fit-shaming.” But what does this term mean? Are these comments based on facts or sensationalist clickbait? This article...

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Weighted Exercises for Women: A Guide to Strength Training & Weight Control

Weighted Exercises for Women: A Guide to Strength Training & Weight Control

When we say “barbell exercises,” many people think they’re only for men. However, this isn’t the case. Many barbells or weighted exercises for women are suitable for their body type. Barbell exercises are ideal for those who want to lose weight and get fitter. The movements involved are very compound and taxing on the body. Barbell exercises also help you work multiple muscles at once, thus increasing your...

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Upper Body Workout: What You Should Know

Upper Body Workout: What You Should Know

You might think an upper body workout involves mainly arm exercises and little else. However, you can do many more things with your arms. The upper body refers to the muscles located above your waistline. This includes your chest, shoulders, arms, and back. These muscles are often overlooked when it comes to a workout routine. As experts know, this is a massive mistake and can lead to health and fitness issues in the future.  An upper...

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Weight Loss Mistakes To Avoid

Weight Loss Mistakes To Avoid

Weight loss is a goal for many individuals; however, it’s essential to be realistic about the necessary steps for success. One of the best ways to ensure you reach your weight loss goals is journaling. Keeping track of your weight loss efforts through journaling helps you keep track of what you eat and, more importantly, how you feel after eating. Take notes detailing your thoughts and feelings surrounding food and hunger. Noting how...

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How To Do An Effective Home Workout

How To Do An Effective Home Workout

It can be hard to find time in your day to exercise, let alone go to the gym. Many people mistakenly think they will gain weight and lose muscle mass if they are exercising from home, but that isn’t necessarily true. It is possible to get a great workout from the comfort of your own home. However, you don’t want to flounder around, not knowing what to do. Without a proper plan, you run the risk of injury. You’re also more likely...

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