Top 5 Tips for a Healthy Prostate
The prostate might be a small gland, but it can cause some big problems. All men are at risk of prostate problems – the prostate is a male-only organ that carries advanced cancer risk! The prostate gland naturally enlarges with age, meaning many symptoms, which inconvenient range from innocuous to unpleasant, are not life threatening. In fact, 1 in 12 men between the ages of 31 and 40 suffer from benign prostate hyperplasia...
Top 7 Foods to Promote Excellent Dental Health
We all know the importance of eating a balanced diet, getting enough exercise, and sleeping 8 hours a night – but what about taking dental health into account? Poor dental health has a far greater impact on your overall wellbeing than you might first realise. Early onset tooth loss can have measurable impact on your mental and emotional wellbeing, as well kick starting a predisposition for other dental diseases. Many common...
The #1 Thing You Need to Do to Get a Better Night Sleep
Hey, everybody. My name is Tonya and I’m the holistic health practitioner here at Critical Bench. What I want to talk about in this article is the number one thing you need to be doing to get a better sleep. So is a good night’s sleep something that seems a rather impossible or foreign or happens only once in a while? Well, you’re not alone if that’s what’s happening with you and it’s really too bad because in order to function...
The #1 Hardest Thing in the World for All People to Do
Hey, how are you? Coach Chris with and I want to share with you something that makes most of us very uncomfortable. I know it makes me uncomfortable. It’s forgiveness. Most of us—I know I struggle with forgiveness because when it comes to—it’s letting go and often times we are so emotionally connected to our past that we just can’t let go. And so this topic is something that really struck me at a church service...
Ghrelin & Sleep – How Sleep Affects Fat Loss
It’s possible that a crappy night’s sleep can do this for your fat loss. Hey, I’m Coach Brian, certified strength coach, certified sports nutritionist with Now let’s talk about this thing called sleep. We all need sleep. We’ve put so much effort into living a healthy lifestyle throughout the day, or we try to at least, but we put so little effort in to sleep, but yet sleep is such an important thing on everything,...
Why Do Muscles Twitch
Hey, what’s happening everybody? I’m Coach Brian Klepacki with thanks for checking out this article. I know you want to know everything about muscle twitching so let’s get right to it, shall we?! Well, believe it or not there is a lot of different reasons, most of them are common, on why muscles twitch. Sometimes twitching can occur right after physical exercise, sometimes it occurs during exercise. This is...