The Best Ways To Deal With Jet Lag
If you are a traveler, of have done any amount of travel, you may have experienced jet lag at some point. Sometimes the amount of hours spent traveling and the times at which you travel can make jet lag seem a lot worse, causing you a few “lost days” till you feel like yourself again. So what can you do or how can you reduce either the intensity of jet lag symptoms, or better yet avoid it all together? To understand better what we...
The Healing Power of Turmeric
Turmeric is a plant that has a very long history of medicinal use dating back nearly 4000 years. In Southeast Asia, turmeric is used not only as a main spice but also as a component in religious ceremonies.India produces nearly all of the world’s turmeric crop and consumes 80% of it. With its’ distinctive qualities and high amount of the bioactive compound curcumin, Indian turmeric is considered to be the BEST in the world.While...
Are There Any Real Health Benefits of Using CBD Oil?
While there is a massive range of possible health benefits of using CBD, I’m going to review seven of those here in this report, that I was able to find scientific evidence to back up the claims. Now I’m not suggesting that there aren’t more than seven, or that any claim outside of this seven is not true. All I’m doing is sharing with you what can be supported by peer-reviewed, scientific research that I was able to access. Pain...
Air Quality … What Are You Breathing?
Is air quality something we really need to concern ourselves with? Is there really any big threat that the air we breathe every day is having a negative impact on our health? Or is this all just fear-based propaganda to get us to purchase all sorts of expensive, and at the end of the day, useless products to make us believe that we are doing something that is making a difference?The topic of air pollution is not new, and neither is...
What Is The Big Deal About Deep Breathing Anyway?
If you don’t breathe, you don’t live.It doesn’t get much clearer than that. The number one thing ALL human beings must do every minute of every day is breathe. But has breathing become ‘too’ second nature to us?Do we take our breath for granted? I think it’s safe to say absolutely yes, most of us do. I know I do. Since we don’t have to consciously think about our breath, it doesn’t get our full attention.It’s like blinking. If we...
Building Joint Balance
The balance of a joint is one of the key factors in the injury risk over time. If you have poor joint balance, you’re going to risk your joint’s wellbeing, and potentially the overall quality of the movement from that joint. Today we’re going to discuss what joint balance is, why it matters, and what you should be doing to keep your joints healthy and balanced. Read on if you like not being injured… What Is Joint Balance?By joint...