What IS The Deal With Yoga!
For as long as I’ve been alive, yoga has always been popular. It’s a form of movement that has gained a ton of traction here in the west, despite having Indian roots, and it’s held this popularity for decades, at least. Today, we’re going to look at the real deal with yoga; what it’s all about, how it really works, and whether or not you’re going to get the results you want from yoga. What IS Yoga? What we call yoga is...
All The Small Things: Overlooked Ways to Optimize Performance & Beat Injury
Getting the most out of your health and fitness habits isn’t always about blog-length principles or the most perfect way to do things. Often, some of the advice you need to hear is hidden behind the cool, sexy stuff. The best ways to beat aging, injury, and maximize your return from the effort you put into your lifestyle are hidden behind the noise of other things. Today we’re going to go through 12 of the small things...
Finding a Bette Work-Life Balance
I don’t know about you, but balancing work and life is not easy. For a lot of us work is always in some shape or form consuming us. In fact over 94% of Americans say they work over 50 hours a week and 48% classify themselves as workaholics, according to Apollo Technical LLC. What a lot of us don’t realize, is the damage of not having a work life balance and the effects it causes on our mental and physical health. Those damaging...
Sitting: A Public Health Disaster?
One of the interesting things that we’ve seen in the modern world is that sitting is everywhere, and it seems to be affecting us at the physical level. Today, we’re discussing sitting , and we promise it’s more interesting than it sounds. We’re going over what sitting does to your body, how you can deal with these new problems, and how you make sure that you age in a strong, healthy way. Sitting in the 21st Century How...
St. John’s Wort To Treat Depression?
With an ever-increasing trend to using more natural treatments and therapies, especially in considering long term treatment or an ongoing “maintenance” health protocol, St. John’s Wort has long been utilized, scrutinized and debated as to its’ efficacy in treating depression and mood related disorders. St. John’s Wort is a flowering shrub native to Europe. And it got it’s name because it typically blooms on the birthday...
Correcting Tight Hip Flexors Once and For All
Tight Hip Flexors seems to be today’s buzz word in gyms around the country. Yoga & pilates studios are busier than ever, filled with people just like you, trying to stretch their hip flexors to reduce pain … but with no lasting benefit. And if you really don’t know what it means to have tight hip flexors, then you are wasting your time with the stretching you have been doing. Yes, stretching is good … it’s GREAT actually! But...