Top Mobility Movements That Could Fix Back Pain
The back is a vulnerable place and it can develop over time – which makes a single bout of back pain or injury a real concern. It’s easy to get into a cycle of inactivity and pain that could easily persist for years or even decades.Taking proper care of your back is absolutely essential for long-term health and independent mobility. We mean the basics, here: walking around, being able to live an active life, and chasing fitness...
The Importance of Good Shoulder Mobility
The shoulders are one of the most common causes for complaint in both athletes and the population at large. Since everyone’s susceptible to injury here, we’re going to discuss shoulder mobility – why it matters, and how to get some. If you’re sick of achey shoulders, reduced movement, or poor exercise performance then read on. Today’s article is going to save your shoulders, upper back, and neck from a lot of hassle! Injury...
Hips: External Rotation Isn’t The Whole Picture
When we look at all the information on the hips out there, one of the things we see repeating itself is the idea that external rotation alone is enough to improve hip health. While many people do struggle with external rotation in the hip, the problem starts when there’s a single-side solution for a whole joint. The hip has tons of mobility and range, and this alone doesn’t fix your whole hip. Today we’re going to be discussing the...
Sciatica and Conservative Treatment
Sciatica is pain that stems from pressure on the nerves through the sciatic nerve. If you’re experiencing radiating pain in the lower body – specifically the back, butt, and into the leg – you’re in the right place.Sciatica doesn’t need to be surgically intervened with all the time; often, sciatica can be dealt with on your own terms. It’s an uncomfortable condition and it can seriously affect your quality of life, but you can take...
Joint Conditioning: Exercise Beyond The Muscles
Exercise is often painted as being solely to do with one of two goals: getting buff or getting shredded. This simple, reductive approach is one of the reasons that the current exercise culture doesn’t address the major benefits of exercise and is underrated in a large portion of the population. The reality is that exercise goes beyond muscles and fat. Perhaps the best example is the proper strengthening and protection of the joints,...