How Strength Helps Your Joints

How Strength Helps Your Joints

One of the important revelations for fitness is that strength and muscle mass aren’t just for aesthetics and performance. They’re significant buffers against injury risk. Today we’re going to look at how muscle and strength help joints. These are factors that are often overlooked, but important for keeping yourself strong, healthy, and active for the rest of your life.   The Problem: Weakness and Joint InjuryJoint injuries occur...

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3D Core Training And Spine Health

The core is a 3D muscle group.  It keeps your spine healthy in every direction. Rock hard abs are cool, but spinal health is about far more than banging out the crunches. With 80% of people dealing with debilitating back/spine pain, ignoring proper injury prevention is a very poor gamble!Today we’re discussing how to train your core through lateral and rotating exercises, and why it’s absolutely crucial to strength, health, and...

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Symptoms, Causes and Treatments for Frozen Shoulder

Symptoms, Causes and Treatments for Frozen Shoulder

The term frozen shoulder is a complicated one and it comes from a mixture of factors; some from the joint, some muscular.  And it’s a tricky one to fix. What we’re going to do in this article is breaking it down into common symptoms, possible causes, and a general idea of how to get started fixing it. If you have any significant pain or are coming to this from a prior injury, go see your doctor. In the meantime, let’s figure out what...

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What Are The Most Common Joint Risks After Age 40

What Are The Most Common Joint Risks After Age 40

The aging process comes with many unavoidable changes. These aren’t all negative though, as experience and life lessons “under your belt” are great for improving yourself.However, common joint risks over 40 are less positive.  They are also not necessarily inevitable.  However, your risk factors do increase during this period of your life.  This article discusses the 3 most common joint risks, as well as some solutions to keep your...

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Can A Specialised Program Help Recovery After Surgery?

Can A Specialised Program Help Recovery After Surgery?

Surgery can be daunting, but recovery afterwards shouldn’t be. Let’s make it a little simpler. If you’ve had a surgery recently, or you’re heading in soon, then it can be difficult to think about recovery. Inevitably, it’s going to change your life – and making the best recovery possible means better health, less long-term risk, and better quality of life. Today we’re going to be looking at how a specialised program can help recovery...

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Pay Attention To Your Psoas

Pay Attention To Your Psoas

The psoas is a muscle in the hip flexor group, and one of the most important muscles you’re probably neglecting. Today we’re going to talk hip flexors and why you need to pay attention to your psoas. It sounds science-heavy, but we’re going to keep it simple and make sure you leave with actionable lessons on how to keep your hips and back healthy. Let’s skip the intro and get right into it.   The Psoas: What Is It? The psoas is...

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