Bending and Twisting … And Their Role In Injury And Strength/ Performance
Every day, you are at risk of debilitating back pain. Frequent bending and twisting in the spine is one of the main causes of back pain, but it’s also completely unavoidable in everyday life. This is why we’re so concerned with not just being careful with your spine, but training it to withstand whatever life can throw at it. As you might have guessed, today we’re going to discuss bending and twisting, the risk they pose to your...
Tendon Recovery and Remodeling: The Root of Patient Training Recommendations
Most of the injuries we worry about, or run into, aren’t in the muscles. Muscles can be strained or pulled, even torn, but most injuries occur in connective tissues. Despite this, they don’t get nearly enough attention. Today we’re talking about tendons. Specifically, how they’re used, their recovery, and how they get stronger. This is going to include how to take better care of yours, and all the cool stuff about these powerful...
How Forward Head Posture is Affecting Your Respiratory System
Forward head posture (FHP), at first glance, is clearly not aesthetically pleasing. However, it’s the negative impact this posture is having on the respiratory system that should be of great concern to all of us. If you’re not familiar with the term “forward head posture” or FHP, it is something of an evolution of poor posture that has emerged in our advancing technological age. While forward head posture is often associated with...
Correcting Tight Hip Flexors Once and For All
Tight Hip Flexors seems to be today’s buzz word in gyms around the country. Yoga & pilates studios are busier than ever, filled with people just like you, trying to stretch their hip flexors to reduce pain … but with no lasting benefit. And if you really don’t know what it means to have tight hip flexors, then you are wasting your time with the stretching you have been doing. Yes, stretching is good … it’s GREAT actually! But...
Using Movement For Mobility And Joint Health
Movement is the basis of all good human health and fitness. It’s a driving factor in the way we stress the body to produce change, how we recover between stress and gains, and how we measure those results. Today we’re going to talk about movement and how you use it for mobility and joint health. We’re going to take you through some of the basic stages and progressions that allow you to maximize your health and wellbeing with...
You and Your Wrists
While you might never think about training them, your wrists do far more than you might think. These overlooked joints perform an unbelievable amount of work, and they’re often at risk of injury, so why aren’t you training them? Today we’re going to look at how the wrist works, why you should care, and how you can protect and strengthen your most over-worked, under-loved joints! The Wrist and Context – Forgotten Joints...