The Benefits of Red Reishi … Maybe

The Benefits of Red Reishi … Maybe

  If you are not very familiar with Eastern medicine, its history and its practices, you may not know that they tend to and have made very popular the use of some well, odd, or seemingly odd things. For example fungi … or mushrooms. In particular the reishi mushroom. The reishi mushroom is fungus that grows naturally in hot, humid Asian countries and for nearly 2000 years has been a staple in Eastern culture for medicinal...

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The Best Ways To Deal With Jet Lag

The Best Ways To Deal With Jet Lag

If you are a traveler, of have done any amount of travel, you may have experienced jet lag at some point.  Sometimes the amount of hours spent traveling and the times at which you travel can make jet lag seem a lot worse, causing you a few “lost days” till you feel like yourself again.  So what can you do or how can you reduce either the intensity of jet lag symptoms, or better yet avoid it all together? To understand better what we...

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The Healing Power of Turmeric

The Healing Power of Turmeric

Turmeric is a plant that has a very long history of medicinal use dating back nearly 4000 years. In Southeast Asia, turmeric is used not only as a main spice but also as a component in religious ceremonies.India produces nearly all of the world’s turmeric crop and consumes 80% of it. With its’ distinctive qualities and high amount of the bioactive compound curcumin, Indian turmeric is considered to be the BEST in the world.While...

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Can A Specialised Program Help Recovery After Surgery?

Can A Specialised Program Help Recovery After Surgery?

Surgery can be daunting, but recovery afterwards shouldn’t be. Let’s make it a little simpler. If you’ve had a surgery recently, or you’re heading in soon, then it can be difficult to think about recovery. Inevitably, it’s going to change your life – and making the best recovery possible means better health, less long-term risk, and better quality of life. Today we’re going to be looking at how a specialised program can help recovery...

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Could Collagen Be The Fountain Of Youth We’ve Been Searching For?

Could Collagen Be The Fountain Of Youth We’ve Been Searching For?

In the never-ending search for all things that will promote health, beauty and youthfulness, collagen is not to be dismissed as far as being very much present in the pool of public and scientific opinion.  It has been hailed as the magic ingredient to cure aches and pains, as well as something of an ingestible fountain of youth.  Interesting and being something of a science geek I went digging to see just what was fact and what was...

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Coronavirus and Your Heart

Coronavirus and Your Heart

By now I would assume that anyone who has a chronic, persistent health condition is taking extra precautions to keep themselves safe, and doing everything they possibly can to reduce their risk of becoming infected with the Covid-19 virus.  That being said, we do continue to learn more each passing day and week, who the higher risk groups may be and/or what may be a factor in making an individual more likely to be at risk. One of the...

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