You and Your Wrists

You and Your Wrists

While you might never think about training them, your wrists do far more than you might think. These overlooked joints perform an unbelievable amount of work, and they’re often at risk of injury, so why aren’t you training them? Today we’re going to look at how the wrist works, why you should care, and how you can protect and strengthen your most over-worked, under-loved joints!   The Wrist and Context – Forgotten Joints...

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How To Best Utilize Limb Isolation Exercises for Core Stability and Strength

How To Best Utilize Limb Isolation Exercises for Core Stability and Strength

Limb isolation is the term we use for exercises that require you to keep the core stable and consistent, while also moving a limb. This is something we think is amazingly important, but also painfully overlooked. In this article I am breaking it down for you and offering up some amazing core training you didn’t know you needed.  This will bridge the gap between core exercises and compound exercises. Let’s get into where you start and...

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Treatment Options for GERD

Treatment Options for GERD

If you have ever suffered with heartburn you know all too well just how terribly uncomfortable and painful it can be.  And for very long periods of time too.  You will also likely agree that you would be willing to do just about anything to make it stop!    Well luckily there are several ways that GERD can be treated.  Depending on the severity of your GERD symptoms, you may be find relief in some tried and true home remedies, or you...

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How Strength Helps Your Joints

How Strength Helps Your Joints

One of the important revelations for fitness is that strength and muscle mass aren’t just for aesthetics and performance. They’re significant buffers against injury risk. Today we’re going to look at how muscle and strength help joints. These are factors that are often overlooked, but important for keeping yourself strong, healthy, and active for the rest of your life.   The Problem: Weakness and Joint InjuryJoint injuries occur...

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3D Core Training And Spine Health

The core is a 3D muscle group.  It keeps your spine healthy in every direction. Rock hard abs are cool, but spinal health is about far more than banging out the crunches. With 80% of people dealing with debilitating back/spine pain, ignoring proper injury prevention is a very poor gamble!Today we’re discussing how to train your core through lateral and rotating exercises, and why it’s absolutely crucial to strength, health, and...

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The Best Ways To Deal With Jet Lag

The Best Ways To Deal With Jet Lag

If you are a traveler, of have done any amount of travel, you may have experienced jet lag at some point.  Sometimes the amount of hours spent traveling and the times at which you travel can make jet lag seem a lot worse, causing you a few “lost days” till you feel like yourself again.  So what can you do or how can you reduce either the intensity of jet lag symptoms, or better yet avoid it all together? To understand better what we...

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