Fat Burners … Help or Hype?

Fat Burners … Help or Hype?

  There certainly are no shortage of supplements and “magical quick fixes,” all touting their benefits to make the job easier for you. However, the truth is that unless you are committed to being consistent with a proper, well-balanced eating plan as well as regular consistent exercise, you are not going to see or feel any resulting weight loss. Why? Well, because there are no shortcuts or “one pill wonders” that will make losing...

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Using Movement For Mobility And Joint Health

Using Movement For Mobility And Joint Health

  Movement is the basis of all good human health and fitness. It’s a driving factor in the way we stress the body to produce change, how we recover between stress and gains, and how we measure those results. Today we’re going to talk about movement and how you use it for mobility and joint health. We’re going to take you through some of the basic stages and progressions that allow you to maximize your health and wellbeing with...

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5 Foods That Contribute To Menopause Belly

5 Foods That Contribute To Menopause Belly

Somewhere in that 45-55 age range, it happens. You may have heard to it as “the change,”  and that is not a bad term necessarily, considering your body will be going through many changes.  At times these changes can pack a pretty big punch and leave you feeling like nothing you do has any positive impact in helping to reduce some of your symptoms or how they are making you feel. In all my years as a holistic health practitioner,...

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We Know You Are Not Doing Enough Lateral Exercises!

We Know You Are Not Doing Enough Lateral Exercises!

Lateral exercises are those that involve moving sideways. These often also involve using a single limb, whether that’s an arm or a leg. Today we’re going to discuss why you’re not doing enough lateral exercise, why you should be, and how you can solve that problem. If you’re looking to maximize the benefits of your workouts, you’re going to want to stay with me on this one. Joint Stability and Injury Stabilizing a joint and keeping it...

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Why A Healthy Spine Is Important For A Healthy Life

Why A Healthy Spine Is Important For A Healthy Life

This really does not require a whole lot of explanation.  At least in my opinion.  Being that the spine is such a large part of our framework, it should be rather obvious to us, why keeping it healthy is important. The spine is what helps us to stand and remain upright.  It provides the basic framework for our structure.  It really is the main point from which the rest of our skeleton connects to!  The spine allows us to walk, run ,...

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Hips and Why They Are Important

Hips and Why They Are Important

  For all intents and purposes, the hips are the centre of the body. They’re where everything meets and, in the musculo-skeletal system, they’re crucial. They’re between the knee and the spine; two of the most important structures of the human body. Today we’re going to be talking about the hips and how they relate to the rest of the body. It’ll be a crash course on your own hips, why they’re so important, and how you can keep them...

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