Top 5 Tips for a Healthy Prostate

Top 5 Tips for a Healthy Prostate

The prostate might be a small gland, but it can cause some big problems. All men are at risk of prostate problems – the prostate is a male-only organ that carries advanced cancer risk! The prostate gland naturally enlarges with age, meaning many symptoms, which inconvenient range from innocuous to unpleasant, are not life threatening. In fact, 1 in 12 men between the ages of 31 and 40 suffer from benign prostate hyperplasia...

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Top 7 Foods to Promote Excellent Dental Health

Top 7 Foods to Promote Excellent Dental Health

We all know the importance of eating a balanced diet, getting enough exercise, and sleeping 8 hours a night – but what about taking dental health into account? Poor dental health has a far greater impact on your overall wellbeing than you might first realise. Early onset tooth loss can have measurable impact on your mental and emotional wellbeing, as well kick starting a predisposition for other dental diseases. Many common...

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Prevalence of Diabetes in Men; Why Are 1 in 10 Men Diabetic

Prevalence of Diabetes in Men; Why Are 1 in 10 Men Diabetic

Diabetes is one of the most commonplace and well-known chronic diseases that effects the modern man. A life-threatening disease, diabetes lies within the top 10 causes of death in the developed world. In 2016, 1.6million deaths were a direct result of diabetes and these are numbers that are only getting higher. Most people with diabetes worldwide fall into the ‘Type 2’ category: type 2 diabetes results from lifestyle factor...

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The Best Exercises and Stretches to Help Prevent Rotator Cuff Injuries

The Best Exercises and Stretches to Help Prevent Rotator Cuff Injuries

Nearly half of all people will complain of shoulder injury during their life. The shoulder is a problem joint for 2 reasons: It’s easily injured It’s incredibly important in everyday life This is why avoidable problems like rotator cuff (or ‘RC’) injuries are a real concern. They’re unnecessary, they’re debilitating, and they lead to a cycle of immobility and weakness that can easily persist for the rest of your life. If you’re...

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The Best Mobility Stretches & Exercises for Seniors

The Best Mobility Stretches & Exercises for Seniors

As we age, the importance of keeping the muscles and joints healthy on grows. Aging is one of the key contributors to common injuries and quality-of-life factors. It is tied into joint injury and independent mobility in important ways: if you want to live well, you have to master aging well. We’re going to discuss the real problems that we will all face as we age, and provide advice on how to age better and keep yourself healthy. If...

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