Back Pain in the Hips and Core

Back Pain in the Hips and Core

The relevance of back pain is never far away – especially since 80% of us will experience debilitating lower back pain. This is a huge problem and it is also very preventable for most people – which is why we’re writing about it today.The majority of back pain does not originate in the spine itself, but occurs in response to mechanical dysfunction elsewhere. Today we’re going to outline the contribution of the trunk muscles and the...

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Building Joint Balance

Building Joint Balance

The balance of a joint is one of the key factors in the injury risk over time. If you have poor joint balance, you’re going to risk your joint’s wellbeing, and potentially the overall quality of the movement from that joint. Today we’re going to discuss what joint balance is, why it matters, and what you should be doing to keep your joints healthy and balanced. Read on if you like not being injured… What Is Joint Balance?By joint...

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Proprioception and Balance – What You Can Do To Improve Both

Proprioception and Balance – What You Can Do To Improve Both

Proprioception is the human sixth sense and it is a crucial factor in better movement and long-term health. It’s the feeling of where your body is – body awareness – and it plays into everything from posture to better exercise to balance and fall-risk. Today we’re going to discuss proprioception and balance, what you can do to improve both, and why this matters so much! Stick with us if you want to improve almost every part of your...

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Osteo-Related Injuries & How To Reduce Your Risk

Osteo-Related Injuries & How To Reduce Your Risk

We all want to be as healthy as possible, but that often means dealing with poor health effectively. Life is dangerous and injuries are a part of life, but they should be minimized. Today we’re going to be discussing some of the most common injuries associated with aging and everyday life that you should consider. However, it’s not all doom and gloom! We’re also going to take you through the key preventative measures you can take to...

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What Can Be Done to Maintain Lean Muscle Mass As You Age?

What Can Be Done to Maintain Lean Muscle Mass As You Age?

Muscle mass isn’t just for photoshoots and looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger.Muscle mass is important to maintain a body that has the resilience and longevity to keep you happy, healthy, and active for longer.However, as we age, muscle mass wastes away and slowly changes how your body works. This is a process called sarcopenia, or age-related muscle-loss. It’s a significant problem and today we’re going to talk about what you can do...

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